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Jim Zarvos - Trainer Track: Navigating Transformational Spaces

Clinton Callahan featuring Jim Zarvos as the interviewee

January 19, 2025

After listening to the full recording, please register Matrix Code NCRADIO3.59, NCRADIO3.60, & NCRADIO3.61 in your free account at Listening to all three recordings is worth 3 Matrix Points.

After a five-day training for 54 Russians in Latvia, a gap shows up, a rift in the Universe, through which an alert Possibilitator could move diagonally to make use of the situation. The set of skills needed to enter the rift turns out also to be the subject of this investigation between two mages: Jim Zarvos and Clinton Callahan. How does one establish and navigate Transformational Space? We start in a bar...