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Men's Path To Exit The Patriarchy

by Ana Norambuena (report from the Lab for Men)

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The ideas, experiences, experiments, feelings and observations shared in this report indicate the the path for men to leave the Patriarchy leads directly into the abyss. This is the path that makes sense, because Archiarchy is not a rebuild of Patriarchy. Archiarchy is an entirely different context, and requires an entirely different skillset. To move from Patriarchy to Archiarchy starts with a complete reset, a start over, and this start over can neither be avoided nor faked. The abyss needs to do its work on you before you are tenderized' enough - and have dropped enough Patriarchal baggage - to walk across the bridge and fit through the doorway to begin life anew in Archiarchy.

This process is comparable to the map used in the third Indiana Jones film (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade), in which Indy makes it through a particular cave. HIs next instruction is to stand where the cave opens to a vertical rock cliff and take a big step upwards into nothing. Indiana may know that the Chalice waits for him at the other side of the chasm, but he cannot gain access to the next chamber without taking that impossible step. There is no way around it. Men wishing to leave the Patriarchy and start over in Archiarchy face this same challenge.

I (Clinton Callahan) experience this report from Ana Norambuena, a Possibility Management Lab Trainer, as the most important map for men wishing to leave the Patriarchy that I ever found in my life. I think this video must go out everywhere. The transmission from Ana is so clear and true, so rich and undeniable. The message cannot be confronted or confused. The path for men to grow up can no longer be faked or fooled.

Ana, I thank you from every cell in my body that you did this experiment of delivering a Lab for Men, and that you reported so clearly and powerfully about it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! It gives me, and I think many other people, a new future, a new set of possibilities to work with.

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