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Listen to the previous recordings here:
14:02:38 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : I celebrate the nourishment of this space for me !
14:02:57 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : Nevertheless of my conditon
14:16:08 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton : SPARK: Intimacy heals denial I think
14:25:29 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : I celebrate that I learn through the
Gremlin of my husband Denys to NOT adapt to his Gremlin, but to let
grow consciously my Gremlin so that I can be conscious loving asshole. I
use my fear and my anger for that and a very small Now so that my
history with Denys can not go in the way !
14:26:19 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : And I live this big stuff!
14:26:34 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : I LOVE it too !
14:46:41 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton :
14:46:52 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton :
14:52:14 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton :
14:54:47 From Isabel Esterl : cavitation of a space
15:02:15 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : Everything sounds like “ehh” nowerdays
15:02:32 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : I had a family meeting last week
15:02:42 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : My husband organized it
15:03:03 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : And I realize that HE declared archetypal love into this meeting
15:03:25 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : And it archetypal Love was happening
15:03:34 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : Everybody contributed
15:08:58 From Angela Niederberger : I will get visit of some Kids in a few minutes and turn off the Video.
15:14:40 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : To be able to include denying forces, I need to be centered and anchored. That’s my experience.
15:31:34 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton : Doctor Strange - movie
15:37:06 From Solange Binette : Traduction in french is necessary for me!;-)
15:37:39 From Anne-Chloé & Clinton : Je peux traduire du Français a l’Anglais !
15:38:37 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : Thank you, Janet, for serving the archetypal
15:39:55 From Dimitra : does Janet says she doesn't ?
15:56:43 From Leslie Greenwood : thank you
16:00:28 From Ingrid Schmithüsen : I am experimenting with the “impersonal” = “no story adding” point of view when my box finds something “uncomfortable”. And I observe that like that I can more easily hold my boxes fear or anger.